“Formando maestros para la infancia"
Escuela Normal Superior María Montessori
The food pyramid
The firts session (Fourht Grade)
The purpose of these activities is to teach the children what is the healthy food by means of the food groups described in the food pyramid in addition will teach gramaticale structures and vocabulary referring to the topic.
ACTIVITY: We say to the kids that coming soon we go to see a video of the food pyramid and that the video is completely in English, in the video see the all pyramid of down to up, in all explication say all the food that we can find in the pyramid. Every kid should make a list with the unknown words and find the meaning of this
We give one paper to all kids in his paper they should to make the food pyramid with words and pictures of the food, all the kids have to make her own food pyramid drawing and writing the words and pictures in the pyramid, when all the kids finish of complete her pyramid. We explain exactly the food that contained every space of the pyramid food
Elaborado por: Vanesa Niño Vergara, Marcela Parra / / 2014 Bogotá - Colombia
Type 1 Cereals Carbohydrates cookies, cake, bread, spaghetti
Type 2 Facts dairy Products Olive oil, pudding, corn oil…
Type 3 Meet Proteins Milk fish, eggs, yogurt Cheese, pork and beef
Type 4 Vegetables Minerals oranges, melon…
Type 5 Fruits Vitamins tomatoes, carrots, Broccoli.
Jclick Activity
Association activity "where I go"
In this game jclick children should associate word in English with their respective image, the words are part of the food pyramid groups and some foods in each Group. For the realization of this activity we will need of a video beamer and a computer, we will organize the children into two groups and each group should send one representative by turns. meanwhile the group takes note of the generally known vocabulary with his Spanish counterpart a point is awarded to the group whose representative responds correctly, five points will be assigned to the group that made the most complete list of vocabulary.
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