“Formando maestros para la infancia"
Escuela Normal Superior María Montessori
Remember the five senses (First session)
To help the student learn and practice the five senses by using some software tools created in Jclic and other resources found on the web. Children also work through the arts, songs, and videos.
The students will deepen in their knowledge about the five senses of the body orally and in written way by using software in Jclic, arts, songs and videos.

Because this is the first session the pre-service teachers will introduce themselves:
Hello / good afternoon…we are very glad to be with you…My name is Camilo Gomez and she is my colleague Karol Acosta, we are pre-service teachers of FC-II here at ESNDMM We will be with you during three sessions; we will play and learn about the five senses in English.
Activity 1: "Simon Says" Juega el juego "Simon Says" ("Simón dice") modificado para ayudar a los estudiantes de quinto grado de la ENSDMM a recordar cada sentido. Por ejemplo, di "Simon says touch your nose" ("Simón dice toca tu nariz") seguido de "Simon Says smell a flower" ("Simón dice huele una flor") y "Simon Says taste a chocolate bar" ("Simón dice prueba una barra de chocolate") y "Simon says listen to music" ("Simón dice escucha música"). Pídeles a los estudiantes que actúen cada frase. Antes de comenzar el juego, ofrécele a cada uno accesorios como flores y barras de chocolate para usarlas directamente dentro del juego.

Activity 2: children watch "The 5 senses with Barney" (the song is cut (edit) to understanding children, have is only part:)
With our eyes we… (See!) ♪♫
With our ears we.. (Hear!) ♪♫
With our fingers we can.. (Touch!) ♪♫
With our nose we… (Smell!) ♪♫
With our mouth we… (Taste!) ♪♫
With our eyes we see, with our ears we hear ♪♫
With our fingers we can touch. ♪♫
With our nose we smell, with our mouth we taste. ♪
Now thank you very much. ♪♫♪♫♪♫

Activity 3: in groups of five students, they are divided to make a presentation, each group has 5 children and is responsible for representing the five senses in English with the tools given above.
Groups (8):
- Nose
- Ear 1
- Ear 2
- Eye 1
- Eye 2
- Mount
- Hand 1
- Hand 2
At the end of the presentations made at cardboard meet, forming a giant puzzle of the five senses

free image of: / 5 senses cards
Activity 4: Remember the opening song. After working the five senses, we will again sing the Barney song to check learning in the classroom. But this time the student makes a mistake, makes a penance.
With our eyes we… (See!)
With our ears we.. (Hear!)
With our fingers we can.. (Touch!)
With our nose we… (Smell!)
With our mouth we… (Taste!)
With our eyes we see, with our ears we hear
With our fingers we can touch.
With our nose we smell, with our mouth we taste.
Now thank you very much.
Thanks and agreements for the next session:
- To practice the song at home
- Remember the five senses in English
- Remember the body parts in English
- Being happy at school always
In this first session we will evaluate the children, the teachers observing the behavior of the children in class.

Las Actividades "The five Senses" son elaboradas por los maestros en formación Camilo Gómez y Karol Acosta. Las imagenes utilizadas son propiedad de Camilo Gómez. / / Bogotá Colombia - 2014
In-service teachers:
- Nora Rodríguez (English)
- Katherine Montejo (TIC)