“Formando maestros para la infancia"
Escuela Normal Superior María Montessori
Welcome to the Five Senses
On this website you will find activities to be carried out with fifth grade children of La Escuela Normal María Montessori in Bogota Colombia.
The activities are divided into three sessions (one hour each session) The children will play, They watch videos, they will make posters and puzzles. Particularly in relation to the 5 senses.
This class is made by service teachers Karol Acosta and Camilo Gomez, with the advice of the teachers Nora Rodriguez (English) and Katherin Montejo (TIC) of the Escuela Normal Superior Distrital María Montessori.
Las Actividades "The five Senses" son elaboradas por los maestros en formación Camilo Gómez y Karol Acosta.
Las imagenes utilizadas son propiedad de Camilo Gómez. / / Bogotá Colombia - 2014