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The five senses into practice (Second Session)

To help the student learn and practice the five senses by using some software tools created in Jclic and other resources found on the web. Children also work through the arts, songs, and videos. The students will deepen in their knowledge about the five senses of the body orally and in written way by using software in Jclic, arts, songs and videos.


Activity 1. Greeting The teacher greet the students :


- “Hi, everybody, how are you today?

- I'm fine, thanks - are ready to learn English?

- yes, we are ready- start.

Activity 2: children remember "The 5 senses with Barney" (the song is cut (edit) to understanding children, have is only part:) this song is becoming more perfect: Now, addition to singing will be accompanied by movements

Activity 3: Work with photocopies in English, for this activity children of the fifth course of ENSDMM, they will work with photocopies related to the five senses.

Activity 4: Stair of the five senses. For this activity the children play a board game "the stair of the five senses" (la escalera tendrá preguntas acerca de los cinco sentidos, también otras preguntas sobre colores, animales y diferentes palabras que reforzaremos en inglés, adjuntamos un ejemplo de escalera pues la de inglés aún está en proceso)

Thanks and agreements for the next session:


- To practice the song at home

- Remember the five senses in English

- Remember the body parts in English

- Being happy at school always

Las Actividades "The five Senses" son elaboradas por los maestros en formación Camilo Gómez y Karol Acosta. Las imagenes utilizadas son propiedad de Camilo Gómez. / / Bogotá Colombia - 2014

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